Support the Friends of Raymond

If you think what we are doing is worthwhile and would like to get involved, please visit our Membership page to find out more.

If you would like to support us financially, we would be most grateful. To make a donation, please go to our Donate page.

Volunteering with Friends of Raymond can be an enjoyable, sociable, and fulfilling activity, which includes helping with events, general maintenance, and moving the boats. No particular experience is necessary, just a willingness to help. Friends receive emails with news of volunteering opportunities. If you are not a member but would like to volunteer, please contact our Volunteers Coordinator. Everyone who comes along will be made very welcome.
Here is our Events-Volunteering Schedule as of 22-Jan-2025 (boat moving, workshops etc.).

HELP US WHEN YOU SHOP ONLINE is a shopping website that gives donations to charity. It is linked to over 2000 retailers and by using Easyfundraising you can earn us money, at no cost to you, every time you shop online. To find out more, please go to our Easyfundraising page.

Come and visit Nutfield & Raymond at one of the waterway shows and events we attend from spring to early autumn, where you can buy our unique and delicious “Jam ‘Ole” jam and marmalade, a “Raymond & Nutfield” mug, tea towels, DVDs, second-hand canal books, a range of items for children, and much more – or just leave something in one of our collection buckets. Every penny we make at events is spent on maintaining the boats. Please visit our Events page to see where we are going to be.

Thank you!