Superb results from Huddlesford and Banbury!
This from our Secretary:
Huddlesford Heritage Gathering. We have taken £217.40 with £181.10 for sales and £36.30 for donations.
At the Banbury Canal Day we took a total of £426..00 with £352.40 for sales and £73.60 for donations.
This is a fantastic achievement for a one day event. We thought that we did extremely well last year on our first visit to Banbury when we took £331.91.
Roger and Nick Lake were on the go constantly all day long doing the showrounds. Once again there were many people walking along the towpath past our boats.
Two more world records have been broken:
- The previous highest amount of income raised in a year was in 2013 when our total was £3522.23. Our new record this year is £4185.96.
- The second record is in the number of Photo cards sold this year at over 400. Well Done Diana and many thanks for all your efforts in making these for us.
Many thanks also to all of you who came and helped as crew members and lock wheelers on our trip to Banbury and back. All of this has indeed been worthwhile.